Working Papers and Discussion Papers

Note: These are author-generated versions of research manuscripts which are circulated exclusively for the purpose of facilitating scientific discussion. All rights reserved. The final version of the articles might differ from the ones here, and the files might be updated from time to time. Once articles are published, they are removed from this page. For published articles, click on Publications.

Manuscripts described as In Progress will be updated soon (hopefully; life permitting—I do have one!).


Who Likes It More? Using Response Times To Elicit Group Preferences in Surveys, Carlos Alós-Ferrer and Michele Garagnani, last version: 2022. Working Paper
Identifying Nontransitive Preferences, Carlos Alós-Ferrer, Ernst Fehr, and Michele Garagnani, last version: Oct. 2023. Working Paper
Stochastic Choice and Preference Reversals, Carlos Alós-Ferrer, Johannes Buckenmaier, and Michele Garagnani, last version: 2022. In Progress
Voting for Compromises: Alternative Voting Methods in Polarized Societies, Carlos Alós-Ferrer and Johannes Buckenmaier, last version: 2022. Working Paper
Updating Stochastic Choice, Carlos Alós-Ferrer and Max Mihm, last version: 2022. Working Paper
Cognitive Load in Economic Decisions, Carlos Alós-Ferrer, Alexander Ritschel, and Anja Achtziger, last version: 2022. Working Paper